What is Geeta Session at HTCI?
Geeta Session is an important ongoing activity at the Hindu Temple of Central Indiana.
It is held on every second Sunday of the month in front of Radhakrishna Sannidhi.
The session consists of shlokas, dhuns, Geeta Chapter summary and a discourse on Bhagvad Geeta and related topics by local and outside speakers.
Welcome to the Geeta Session
Sponsoring GS is a wonderful way to celebrate the important milestones in life.
Please consider being a grand sponsor. Please contact me to provide the details.
The sponsors will be able to help serve food to devotees. Please take this great opportunity to do seva at mandir.
Sponsors please pick up your archana bags from front office
Friendly reminder to mention Geeta session when you pay for sponsorship at mandir or on line for accounting purposes.
Please send me the important milestones you would like to share with everyone.
Thank you for attending January Geeta Session.
Next Geeta Session on February 9th, 2025.
We will start with Radha Krishna Abhishek as in the past.
Join Using https://www.htci.org/livefeed
Abhishek is performed by our priests. Please take this opportunity to sponsor the Abhishek and get the blessings.
Please check the list of ingredients needed for the Abhishek on Mandir website. You are welcome to bring anything from the list.
Sponsors for GS or abhishek will be able to do sankalp/archana- please pick up your bag from front office
Abhishek starts at 9.30 am.
• Selected shlokas from Chapter 12 Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta will be recited by Anil Vashisht
SPEAKER: Dr. Chandra Reddy
The Supreme Bowl of Rituals and Symbols in Sanatan Dharma
Note: You may access Pictures and Videos from past Geeta Sessions here: Gallery