Discourse by - Dr.Prasad Mantravadi

Date: 09 December 2018

Dr. Prasad Mantravadi, a long time resident of Fort Wayne, IN. has pursued the study of Vedanta and the scriptures under the guidance of Acharyas at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam (established by Swami Dayananda Saraswati in Saylorsburg, PA.) for the past 30 years. He has had an illustrious career as a Radiation Oncologist.

Discourse by - Balagokulam students

Date: 14 October 2018

Topic: "Ten Commandments" in Sanatan Dharma for Enhancing Human Morality.

Discourse by - Shri Natarajan Chandramouli ji

Date: 12 August 2018

Mr. Chandramouli is a chemical engineer with Management qualification. He retired as Director from few private companies in India. He has great interest in Practical Vedanta, as preached by Swami Vivekananda. He has undergone a systematic study of Vedantic scriptures and Prakarana Granthas under the guidance of Swami Paramarthananda of Harshavidhya gurukula order.His deep involvement with Ramanashram of Thiruvannamalai and J.Krishnamurthi foundation has helped him to have a balanced view of application of Shastras in practical life. He actively participates in Heritage camps organized by Balagokulam of HTCI every year. Mr. Chandramouli was born in Tamilnadu, India and currently lives in Carmel with his son Sri.Karhik and his family.

Topic: "Dev Asura Sampathi Vibhag Yog"

Date: 08 JULY 2018

Discourse by - Shri Sanjay Mehta ji

Sanjay Mehta is the general secretary of the World Hindu Council of America. He is also the religion, culture and youth programs coordinator of Hindi Jain temple in Pittsburgh, PA. He has been a Balavihar Teacher for three decades and serves as a seva coordinator for many local and national groups in USA. He presents and speaks on Hindu teachings on various forums including inter-faith groups and educational institutions. He is a distant learning student of Advance Vedanta course offered by Chinmaya International, Kerala, India. He is an Information Technology Auditor by profession. He lives in Pittsburgh, PA with his wife, daughter and son.

Date: 10 June 2018

Date: 08 April 2018

Speaker: Suvarna Vinze

Suvarna Vinze was born in a family following Jain traditions. She was raised in Mumbai under the influence of several cultures, including Hindu, Parsi, Islam and Christianity leading to fusion culture within her. Our own Geeta Mandal has contributed significantly to her spiritual progress. Geeta Mandal has invited Suvarna as a speaker for several years to share her views with us on the occasion of Mahavir Jayanti. Suvarna is a Chartered Accountant by training and has held several leadership positions in the areas of accounting, finance and strategy.

Date: 11 March 2018

Speaker: Swami Yogatmananda

Born in 1953 in Karnataka, India, Swami Yogatmananda joined Ramakrishna Order in 1976. He received his monastic vows in 1986. After residing at Ramakrishna Mutt Center at Nagpur for 20 years, he was posted as the Head of Ramakrishna Mission, Shillong, Meghalaya, He came to the United States in the summer of 2001 as the Minister of the Vedanta Society of Providence. His present responsibilities include conducting Sunday service, weekly study classes and organizing spiritual retreats. He gets invited for talks on Vedanta at different places in the United States. Swami Yogatmananda is the Hindu Religious Affiliate at Brown University, Providence, RI and the Hindu Chaplain at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, MA.